ICT Agreement

The values promoted by Adams County Christian School include respect for self as well as all
others in the school community. This requires a commitment to helping everyone achieve their
personal best in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe. The measures to insure
the cybersafety of the school environment, which are outlined in this Agreement, are based on
these core values.
The school’s computer network, internet access facilities, computers and other school ICT
equipment/ devices bring great benefits to our teaching and learning programs. This equipment
is essential to the effective operation of the school; therefore, it is important that the school
ensures the safe use of ICT.
This Agreement includes information about obligations, responsibilities, and the nature of
possible consequences associated with undermining the safety of the school environment
through breach of the terms. The cybersafety education supplied by the school is designed to
complement and support the Agreement initiative. The overall goal is to create and maintain a
cybersafety culture, which is in keeping with the values of the school, as well as legislative and
professional obligations. All members of the school community benefit from being a party to the
Agreement initiative as well as all other aspects of the school cybersafety program.
1. Agreement
1.1. All staff and students, whether or not they make use of the school’s computer network,
internet access facilities, computers and other ICT equipment/devices in the school
environment, will be required to sign this Agreement.
2. Requirements regarding appropriate use of ICT in the school learning environment
2.1. In order to meet the school’s legislative obligation to maintain a safe physical and
emotional learning environment, and be consistent with the values of the school, the use
of the school’s computer network, Internet access facilities, computers and other ICT
equipment/devices, on or off site, is limited to educational purposes appropriate to the
school’s core values. This applies whether or not the ICT equipment is owned/leased
either partially or wholly by the school. If any other use is permitted, the school will
inform the user of that ability.
3. Accessing the internet at school
3.1. The only time a student can access the internet at school on a school computer of any
kind is when a teacher gives permission and there is staff supervision. If other internet
access on the school site or at a school-related activity is permitted, for example, via a
privately-owned laptop, mobile phone or any other ICT device, it must be in accordance
with the cybersafety rules in this Agreement.
3.2 Unauthorized access to or posting on social media during school hours will be handled
in accordance with the appropriate Handbooks associated with parents/guardians,
students and/or staff. This also applies to inappropriate posting on social media at any
time as defined by the school.
4. Use of ICT
4.1. While at school or a school-related activity, a student must not have involvement with any
material or activity that might put the student or others at risk. Unacceptable use could
include, but is not limited to, acts of a malicious or nuisance nature, invasion of privacy,
harassment, bullying, hacking, altering the settings on any ICT device or equipment
without authorization, plagiarism, gaming, impersonation/identity theft, spoofing,
gambling, fraud, copyright infringement, cheating, the use of websites or social media to
facilitate misconduct that puts at risk the safety of the school environment, or any other
behavior to which the school may need to respond.
4.2. If any privately-owned ICT equipment/device, such as a laptop, desktop, PDA, mobile
phone, camera, or recording device, portable storage (like a USB or flash memory
device), is brought to school or a school-related activity, the school cyber safety rules
apply to that device. If a student is not sure whether it is appropriate to have a
particular device at school or at a school-related activity, the student is expected
to check with the relevant teacher before bringing it.
4.3. Permitting someone else to use school ICT. Any staff member or student is strictly
prohibited from allowing another person, who does not have a signed Agreement, to use
the school ICT without prior permission from the school.
4.4. The use of any privately-owned/leased ICT equipment/devices on the school site, or at
any school-related activity, must be appropriate to the school environment. This includes
any images or material present or stored on privately-owned/leased ICT
equipment/devices brought onto the school site or to any school-related activity.
5. Individual password logins (user accounts)
5.1. The school computer network, computers and internet access requires individual
usernames and passwords. It is necessary to obtain a personal user account from the
5.2. It is required that passwords remain confidential and are not shared with anyone else.
5.3. Users should not allow another person access to any equipment/device logged in under
their own user account, unless with special permission from school staff. Any
inappropriate or illegal use of the Adams County Christian School computer facilities and
other school ICT equipment/devices may be traced by means of this login information.
5.4. Those provided with individual, class or group email accounts are expected to use them
in a responsible manner and in accordance with this Agreement. This includes ensuring
that no electronic communication could offend, harass or harm others, or put the owner
of the user account at potential risk.
6. Monitoring by the school
6.1 Adams County Christian School has an electronic access monitoring system that has the
capability to filter and record internet use. The monitoring includes the user details, time,
date, sites visited, length of time viewed, and the computer or device from which the
internet is accessed. From time to time, this may be examined and analyzed to help
maintain a cybersafe school environment. The school has the right to monitor, access,
and review all school ICT equipment and devices, including any messages sent to or
from such devices, either during or outside school hours.
6.2 The school also has the right to monitor, access and review information sent from
personal electronic devices while on campus, using any school ICT or during school
7. Audits
7.1. The school may from time to time conduct an internal audit of its computer network,
internet access facilities, computers and other school ICT equipment/devices, or may
commission an independent audit, if deemed necessary. Auditing of the school computer
system may include any stored content and all aspects of its use, including email.
8. Care of ICT equipment/devices
8.1. All school ICT equipment/devices should be cared for in a responsible manner.
8.2. Any damage, loss or theft must be reported immediately to school staff.
8.3 Students are assigned school equipment to use for educational purposes only. At the
time of this Agreement, students in grades 5-12 are assigned a Chromebook and
charger cord, which may be removed from campus. All terms of this Agreement are
applicable whether this equipment is used on or off campus, including during or after
school hours. All Chromebooks that are removed from campus are required to have a
cover, which is issued by the school, to protect the equipment from breakage. Failure to
cover a Chromebook at all times could result in the loss of the student’s ability to remove
the device from campus.
8.4 Care of school equipment and penalties for damage/loss are as follows:
A. Loss or damage to Chromebook cover- $20.00
B. Loss or damage to Chromebook charger- $35.00
C. Damage to Chromebook:
1. 1st Offense- $50.00
2. 2nd Offense- $150.00
3. 3rd Offense- The cost of the replacement value of the same or similar
device and restrictions may be imposed with regard to removal of the
device from campus.
9. Wastage
9.1. All users are expected to practice sensible use to limit waste of computer resources or
bandwidth. This includes avoiding unnecessary printing, and unnecessary internet
access, uploads or downloads.
10. Connecting software/hardware
10.1. Users must not attempt to download, install or connect any unauthorized software or
hardware (including personal desktops or laptops) onto school ICT equipment or
network, or utilize such software/hardware without express permission from school staff.
This includes the use of such technologies as Bluetooth, infrared, and wireless, and any
other similar technologies that may be developed. Any user with a question or a concern
about this issue should speak with a staff member.
10.2. In a special case where permission has been given by the Information Technology staff
to connect or install privately-owned equipment/devices or software, it is with the
understanding that the school may scan this equipment/device/software at any time.
11. Copyright and licensing
11.1. Copyright laws and licensing agreements must be respected.This means no involvement
in activities such as illegally copying material in any format, copying software,
downloading copyrighted video or audio files, using material accessed on the internet in
order to plagiarize, or using unlicensed products illegally.
11.2. Users must obey all local, state, or federal laws dealing with intellectual property and
ownership of published materials and software.
12. Posting material
12.1. All material submitted for publication on the school internet/intranet should be
appropriate to the school environment.
12.2. Such material can be posted only by those given the authority to do so by
12.3. Administration should be consulted regarding access to appropriate websites being
made available on the school internet/intranet (or browser homepages) to provide quick
access to particular sites.
12.4. The official website is www.adamschristian.org. There should be no
alterations/tampering/hacking or unofficial revisions.
13. Disclosure of personal details
13.1. For individual safety, users should be very careful about revealing personal information
about themselves, such as home or email addresses, or any phone numbers, including
mobile numbers on any internet site or chat. Users are also prohibited from disclosing
personal information about others in the same or similar manner.
14. Breaches of the Agreement
14.1. Breaches of this Agreement can undermine the values of the school and the safety of
the learning environment, especially when ICT is used to facilitate misconduct.
14.2. Such a breach, which is deemed harmful to the safety of the school, may constitute a
significant breach of discipline. and possibly result in serious consequences. The school
will respond to any breach in an appropriate manner as determined by Administration.
14.3. If there is a suspected breach involving privately-owned ICT on the school site or at a
school-related activity, the matter may be investigated by the school. The school may
request permission to audit that equipment/device(s) as part of its investigation into the
alleged incident. The school also has the discretion to refer investigations to the
appropriate agency or authority for any potential violation of local, state or federal law.
Any privately owned or school owned device shall be subject to immediate inspection
upon request based on actions that may have occurred on or off school property. Failure
to comply may result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or

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